essays on me

A new itis

There is a new illness going around and its killing off the joys of conversation.

I love to talk, as anyone who knows me, can attest to. Some people might say I talk too much. Some people might claim that it’s just arguing that I like to do. But, I like discussing things, ideas, anything. I like to experience the back and forth banter between two or more people – like a tennis match or like a good game of ping pong. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I think that the back and forthing connects people together. It doesn’t really matter what is being talked about or discussed – just the simple act of tossing words over the net and hitting them back with a clever response is the connecting factor. Even if the banter turns into an argument it is still connecting the two participants. Unless of course someone takes out a gun.

While there have been a lot of conversations that I have forgotten over the years, there are still quite a few that I remember. A lot of the more recent ones often start out and run along like this:

“I just saw a great movie the other day. It had what’s-her-name in it. You know, the one who was married to that guy in that film about the mafia? What was his name.”

Oh yeah, I heard about that movie – his name was David something. Did you enjoy it? It had some actor in it who was in some sort of scandal when the police came to his house, right. Was it in London or LA?”

“It was in LA. He was found with that woman in the Western, her name was Jane something.”….. she used to be married to that musician.”

“Yeah, right, the one in that rock band.”

The conversation continues on like this until all the names of people and movies and places are finally figured out by however many people are participating in the discussion. Each participant contributes what little or more knowledge they can to the match. However ditzy the conversation sounds it connects people together. Everyone feels like they are contributing and are participatory and everyone comes away with a bit more knowledge than when the conversation first started.

But now there is a killer on the loose. And it has found a willing host just waiting to spread this new disease into each and every conversation it comes into contact with. The willing host bares a similarity to Sergeant Joe Friday. You remember him, from the old Dragnet series on TV. He was the character in that show who’s famous line was always, “Give me the facts–just the facts.” Well, this new host specimen just wants the facts too – it isn’t interested in conversation or feelings or “I think”s or conjecture of any kind. Just the facts and don’t waste my time with anything else.

The new disease is Googlitis. It is spread by hand-held Smart Phones and through Joe-Friday-like host-bodies.  A converstion might start with, “I just saw that new movie with Brad Pit in it. Whats its name.” The contagion-riddled host picks up his disease-infected smart phone and taps into and within seconds we know that the film is named Inglourious Basterds. We know who is in it, what their characters are named and what other movies they have been in. END OF CONVERSATION! Now there is nothing to talk about – and as soon as someone mentions something with any form of doubt, the infected person with the smart phone has all the answers.

My husband suffers from this and I admit I am feeling very susceptible to this disease. I have found myself often looking his way and wordlessly imploring him to pick up his smart phone and tell me the information that is just on the tip of my tongue but I can’t seem to find. It is a very insidious disease. I’m beginning to feel like I am in the middle of that Science Fiction film – from the 1950s –  when pods land and take over people – what’s it called? Oh no!! I’ve done it! I just went to on this computer and Googled for the movie name – Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I’m infected……..


The fuschia coat


Its sooooo green


  1. Seems like I’m having more and more conversations like the first one the older I get!

  2. kjl

    too much sugar

  3. Stig

    I have pods on three bearded iris . very large pods. A man at the historic Savanna gardens assures me they’re sterile and I am in no danger but what if he fell asleep near one ( he’s the resident iris expert ) and now a pod has taken over his body and the whole thing is a ruse.
    My neighbors all behaving strangely. Nobody has come out of their house for days. Lawns are uncut. There are no small summer rodents.
    I am having a cup of strong coffee and some toast looking out the window. Everybody seems to be sleeping late. Dog is being very quiet.
    What’s this?
    An iris pod?
    Did Leif cut one off ? Why did be leave it here?
    It’s all sticky
    There’s some kind of odd stuff on one end.
    It’s like all like a slug or something and it’s trying to get out. But it’s not a slug or a worm. It’s like something that should be microscopic.
    Wait a minute. There’s some thread attached to my finger where I poked the pod. Wow. That stings.
    Hey. This is serious. That pod goo is dripping right up the thread and onto my hand.
    I feel very tired.
    I’m all confused.
    What a strange feeling.
    Oh my. My. My.
    What a pretty shade of green that iris pod is.
    Mmm hey. Want to hear a joke?
    These three tubers walk into a bar. One is a waxy irish potato. One is little purple Peruvian spud. Third one is a
    Hey. What was I saying?
    I’m sorry
    I have to go get the truck
    Get the truck. That’s it.
    Back truck up to the bedroom window.
    Jupiter and Venus
    Cresent moon
    Seven sisters

    Must line pods up with event on eastern horizon at dawn
    Then sleep

    So tired now
    Only one thing left to do

    Must call 1-800-FLOWERS

    must send pretty pods to friends

  4. Hilarie, as I said earlier today, I think the reason we forget more nowadays is also due to the fact that information is coming to us at rates much higher at any point in the history of humankind. The consequences of this are not yet clear to us. Not only the volume of information has gone up, but also the volume of information about information. Think, for instance of “bookmarks”. When they become so many, we will need bookmarks in order to find bookmarks. No wonder we forget! In fact, forgetting may be a good thing sometimes, especially when a forget junk information 🙂

  5. Hilarie

    yes Michele, these kinds of conversations are definitely getting more frequent as we get older. And I agree with you, Takis, that a lot of it has to do with the fact that we are just plain overloaded with just too much information. I gave up with bookmarks for exactly the reason you describe – I couldnt find the bookmarks I wanted because I had too many!

    But please everyone, I hope you all realize that what I wrote was more just my usual ironic, slightly sarcastic, and mainly just tongue-in-cheek view on life today. I probably wouldnt be able to write an entire essay at all without visiting Google to help backup my memory.

    And Stig: what can I say! 🙂

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